Saturday, 27 August 2016

One & Half Year

They met accidentally after a long time. They hadn’t any conversation since last one and a half year. They both are having each other’s contact numbers neither dialed nor deleted since last one and a half year. They both just stared at each other’s faces. After a while tears rolled down from boys eyes. The boy tried it hard to stop that tears but he couldn’t. The girl said “hi”, but the boy left without having any word. Maybe because he didn’t wanted to cry in front of that girl. He always thought tears would break him and he will be weaker. Of course he cried hard but all inside, he never expressed the tears to anyone.
But on that evening he cried his heart out. He recalled each and every thing from the first ‘hello’ to the last ‘good bye’. At some point his lips made the smile position, but his tears were just unstoppable. He opened some of the locked drawers of his cupboard. There were the gifts, the cards and many such things he received from her on different occasions. There was one diary gifted by her on one of his birthdays. He took that diary out and flipped the pages. He had the habit of writing happy notes. Inside the diary there the dried roses with the happy notes of those rosy days. There was also a dairy milk wrapper, the first dairy milk they shared on their first ice-cream date. Those were the best romantic days. On some of the pages there were the lip marks of that girl. May be the diary was close to both of them.
He lately caught the sleep. On the next day he woke up little late but more refreshed. He became little more clear about life. He smiled thinking of that girl, like he used to do with her in the past. It seemed that the tears washed away all the pain, the agony inside him.
The next day they met again. This time the boy smiled at her. The smile reminded the girl of the past, the same past the boy cried about the previous night. The girl smiled too, but her smile had lost the charm, the innocence. Her smile looked like more the fake less the real. The boy initiated the conversation and asked her to have coffee together. The girl agreed.
During the coffee the boy looked happy and the girl seemed a little worried. The boy talked about that contact less one and a half year: the studies, the exams about his changed perspectives etc. He behaved like grown up, the behavior that the girl demanded before one and a half year.
He explained how he changed from a mummy boy to himself in last one year. His whole life he did whatever his parents said but now he learned to take decisions of his own. The boy talked for like half an hour. The girl silently slowly sipped the coffee. After the long talk the boy placed his hand over that girl’s hand. She refused and said the only line “I GOT MARRIED BEFORE 6 MONTHS”. He shattered in front of her eyes, like the girl did before one and a half year. The girl paid for her coffee and left. On walking back home she recalled the memory of that day which made her cry once a day from last one and a half year.
Before the ‘ one and a half year’: the boy and the girl were the true friends, lovers or made for each other type souls. On the ending of their bachelor degrees she asked to be serious about their relationship, their life and asked him for marriage. She knew that her parents would force her to marry after the bachelors studies. The boy did the same asked his parents about marrying that girl. Both the girl and the boy were from different communities. Of course they were humans. But the greatest irony of life is what we call human society is having more the morons and less the humans ( the caste and creed discriminator morons). Some are morons by choice and belief and some are morons by fear. The boy’s parents were morons by choice said no to the inter caste marriage, and the boy became moron by fear; the fear of upsetting his parents and the fear of societal unacceptance. He said no to the girl for marriage. She cried her heart out in front of him, but he was firm on his parents
Both were from different cities, so she waited for his call for about one long year. Then she got married on her parents decision. The worst memory of that day still makes her cry once a day since last one and a half year.....
         Bottom from Heart .....
               -Jaimin Patel